When you convene many people to co-build a strategic planning process, power balance is of paramount importance.
social innovation articles
Create Spaces With Care
To involve people in a strategic planning process means is to create spaces to express their views on the key topics facing the organization.
Bring in the Big shots
When involving many people in a strategic planning process, it is essential that the big shots show up as the head of the organization.
What it Takes to Grow New Leaders
Societies all over the world are experiencing a crisis of faith towards leadership. We need to grow new forms of leadership — but how?
Leader in a Diverse Workspace? Here’s How to Be More Equitable
Being a remote diverse team leader, as more of us are doing, is hard. Recent developments make this a reality for many out there.
What drives innovation? — Strength? Or fragility?
Innovation is conventionally associated to strength.
Yet we at Wow!Labs believe that humans innovate based on their fragility. It is the passage from a state of perceived fragility to a state of perceived strength- and innovation- that interests us. Not So Fragile is an artistic proposition using image and text to bring that specific conversation of fragility to the table. Discover the book for free and access the online exhibition.
How to be your full YOU in online events and leave your mark
Learn to fully show up as a participant on online events and be more present to others, so that you get more value from other participants’ ideas… and your unique point of view transforms the events you show up to.
Four ways to equip budding scientists, engineers, and designers to work with human issues, not just tech issues
We see the need to enable a new generation of technical experts who are fluent in understanding, interpreting, and improving human systems, not just technical ones. Here we share four teaching practices that educators can use to increase this critical yet under-delivered capacity.
Innovators, it’s not (only) what you do, it’s (also) who you are
Our identity, through our age, gender, colour, mother tongue, goes beyond how we freely choose to come across to others. The clear advantage is to those of us who develop awareness, language, and comfort dealing with questions of identity in its many dimensions.
Make use of your power by connecting your tribes
As participants or hosts to online spaces, we are all – consciously or not- creating new tables where we convene people, and showing up at other people’s tables. Do you have the right people with you to have the needed conversations? This is why your tribes need to connect.
How to create online people spaces that breathe and thrive
We need new spaces in which people can connect, collaborate, innovate and grow. We need these online people spaces to bring similar results across cultural and social contexts. Learn to be a part of the solution of the post-COVID-19 world.
Four ways designers can use their craft to empower others
Design is often framed around creating “solutions,” which can run the risk of forgetting about the long term agency and ownership of the people we are creating those solutions for. What are we doing to facilitate a creative process that lives on after we are out of the picture? Here are some simple approaches to begin integrating this mindset into your creative practice. It’s up to all of us, and especially the new generations of designers, to reinvent new ways of working with people.
Co-written with Minnie Bredouw.